Each Child Is Wonderfully Unique
We seek to address the distinct learning needs of individual children through a differentiated learning experience.

How is Children'sLearning & Progress

Assessment outcomes and progress are logged in the technology ecosystem to inform discussions about learning.

  • Technology enables children, parents and educators to monitor learning and progress on an ongoing basis without having to wait until end of semester for a report.

  • Assessment in the Nordic Baccalaureate is not a judgement but rather a measurement of forward movement and the level of support needed to progress.

  • Assessment is however needed to ensure that children are making progress through the steps of learning.


Various forms of self, peer and/or educator assessment are used depending on the tasks and what’s appropriate, to evaluate content skills and learning competencies:

Children can creatively collect and provide evidence of learning in portfolios which follow them throughout their Nordic Baccalaureate journey and can be extracted if a child decided to move to another school
Rubrics, observations, document review, quizzes, etc. help educators and children to assess childrens’ growth and progress against the learning objectives
Evidence of learning is curated in portfolios, physical, and digital via ‘Kinteract’ - our online portfolio tool. Children will regularly save their work, and reflections on their learning, in Kinteract.
Importance of Children's
Children's well-being is always first.

The physical, mental, emotional and social well-being are critical to each child's growth and learning potential.

The Finnish Educational system highlights the importance of regular exercise, proper nutrition, and rest in each school day.

Physical Education

Physical education is integral to good overall development of the child. Children learn to follow directions and rules. They learn the art of teamwork and turn-taking. It is important that mentors plan activities throughout the year that focus on different areas of physical development (balance, locomotor and manipulative skills).

The goal is that activities provide all children with opportunities to participate and succeed and support childrens’ well-being and functional capacity.


Proper Nutrition
& Breaks

Snack and mealtimes should promote healthy habits related to food and nutrition. Good manners, food culture, social norms, acceptance and respect are aspects that can be focused on and practised at these times. With proper nutrition at home and school, children can focus and learn better. Lunch, snacks and social breaks are essential for children to have time to rest and recharge their brains and bodies – it helps them stay balanced. All Boundless Education Centres provide healthy morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks for all Boundless Education students.


Mighty Mindfulness

With so much mental and physical development at this stage, mindfulness plays an important part. Every morning during Connection Time children focus on what is important and how to be true to themselves. With social media having such a huge influence on children’s lives, mindfulness gives them the strength and conviction to stand by their decisions and their beliefs.

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